6 months of blogging. Which results

I think it’s time to stop and look another time at the results of those last 3 months. I reassure you,  the next stop will stand in a very long time …

Time available for blogging has been unfortunately below my expectation. A trainee period that is starting, a high speed end of courses period, a bad internet connection from April, a follow up of my house building that have taken more time than expected, here are the reasons.

The news

eedomusRegarding smarthome

The big news is arrival of an eedomus smarthome controller, thanks to partnership with Connected Object company. Transferring all functionalities from veralite to eedomys have been done progressively and been closed end of may. What’s the fun when you don’t have to search inside forums to find the information needed to have veralite working correctly. This is also luxury when you have a real support team that is answering to your questions…

The posts about smarthome will continue, aligned with my ongoing tests. I will propose tests of new devices also, when time will permit it.

Regarding WordPress

rss_enrss_frThere are now two RSS feeds for the 2 different languages using the format I wanted : English feed / French feed. This feature will be explained in a future post.

It enables to put in place two mailing list using those 2 languages. Everybody is not addicted to Twitter, So I’m thinking it’s important to have such feature. Mailing list management is done by an external website : mailchimp.

Don’t hesitate to subscribe to those mailing lists in order to receive in your mailbox information about updates done on the blog. Content is light  (identical to feeds) :

maillistSubscribe form to english mailing list

I’ve also worked on website speed optimization by configuring correctly WP Cache extension. Tested from my house, I think response time have improved a lot and are not acceptable.

I have done also a disastrous update to wordpress to 3.9.1. Qtranslate being not ready for this version, post updates were no more possible. Back to hammer and chisel (as we say in french),or rather to phpmyadmin and FileZilla to go back to old 3.8.3 version.

The content

53 post are published at the moment, then 17 more posts have been written during those 3 months. Now on there are also posts that have been updated, and may be several more. In that case the publish date is updated. Old posts may rise up in time then. This is not a mistake, nor a way to put in light some old posts …

This updating process is going to happen for instance several times for the post “The building of our house through photos

Big news also : I’m no more the only guy to have written on this blog. Firstly Jean-Martin have joined with his post Zwave.me KFOB2 used with Zipabox.  He contacted me through the blog, he is also installing is own smarthome system. One more is Gaspard, my team mate at university, who have accepted to have his presentation “The digital radiator” to be integrated on the blog.

Many comments have been added also to different posts. Yay ! Please continue like that.


Here are the statistics since 4th of mars. The values were roughly multiplied by 5 compared to the first 3 months period.


It means around 54 visits per day, and a special 2nd of may  with a peak to 220 visits (mainly caused by this post)

Stats6mois_mapemondeEnglish translation of posts means that people all over the world can be interested by one or another. 1 person above 5 are english speaking people today. This is insufficient if I compare english speaking population to french one. I would like to find some ideas in order to have this website better known by people abroad, you can help me by sending your ideas through this page.

TOP 5 Posts

Posts Views
2. Test of Zwave.me KFOB2 remote control
3. Aeon Labs multisensor 4in1 review

This is a confirmation of people’s interest about smarthome…


There were a big increase of audience by a factor 5 during those last 3 months. There are more posts, and my friend Google is helping a lot to have new people everyday. The time to have a posts to be published is unfornately long : the test is taking a long time (I like to understand everything), and writing of it is also time consuming.

New posts will be added, some others will be updated. I would like also to have more english speaking visitors. Doing the work of translating all those posts should have some kind of interest…

Don’t hesitate to contact me and share your comments, your wishes, your ideas…

Vincent Recipon

Propriétaire de ce blog. Owner of this blog.

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1 Response

  1. Saturday September 5th, 2015

    […] Ce blog tend à présent doucement vers ses deux années d’existence (naissance le 6 décembre 2013). Presque deux ans déjà ! Je l’avais créé à l’époque pour me faire connaître sur le web dans une période où je cherchais un emploi. Depuis cet emploi s’est concrétisé, je souhaitais donc entamer une dé-personnalisation pour l’orienter plus vers le contenu comme je l’avais déjà indiqué dans cet article. […]

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